.... out of spite of proliferating ...


Sergio Gallo was born in Cuneo in 1968 and lives in Savigliano (CN) since 1982. He graduated in Pharmacy at the University of Turin and works as a pharmacy assistant.

He published: Thoughts of love and disaster, Tipografia Saviglianese 1991, The carousel of Venus, Mario Astegiano Editore 2003, Songs of the lost love, Puntoacapo, Novi Ligure 2010, Pharmakon, Puntocapo, Pasturana 2014; Ravens with a muzzle, Lieto Colle 2017; Harebeak - poems on the mountain 2006-2018, Puntocapo, Pasturana 2018. His verses have appeared on The Hourglass, Pages, The Voices of the Moon, The Signal and in several anthologies, including: The mafia and beyond the nations, edited by by Gianmario Lucini, Edizioni CFR 2011; Poetry in Piedmont and Valle D'Aosta, curated by Emanuele Spano and Davide Ferreri, Puntoacapo Edizioni 2012; Chronicles From Rapa Nui, curated by Gianmario Lucini, Edizioni CFR 2013; the Almanacco Point n.5, puntocapo 2015; Bankruptcy curated by Ivan Pozzoni, Limina Mentis 2016; the American anthology International Authors, Emanations 2 + 2 = 5, by Carter Kaplan, Brookline, Massachusetts, 2015; The Flower of Italian poetry, Tomo II - I contemporanei, Puntoacapo 2016; Ten years - Vol I, curated by Ivan Pozzoni, Limina Mentis 2017; We, ghosts, by Ivan Pozzoni, Limina Mentis 2018. They wrote about him, among others: Mauro Ferrari, Ivan Fedeli, Alessandra Paganardi, Beppe Mariano, Alfredo Rienzi, Cristina Raddavero.

Contact Sergio Gallo   

The comments are by CRISTINA RADDAVERO

Sergio Gallo: "Approdi - Landing" Arsenio Edizioni

E di te che saprò? Le tue apparenze
han detto quel che vuoi,
quel che non sei
credi tu
che dietro a questa assurda
fuga di giorni
ci attenda
il passo delle vere parole?
(E di te che saprò, Luciano Erba

L’ultima opera letteraria del poeta Sergio Gallo, Approdi/Landings (trattasi di due poemetti dall’ambientazione squisitamente “spaziale”) si pone come un punto di svolta e nello stesso tempo una marcatura della penna di chi, come il Nostro, sente il verso fortemente avvitato sul rapporto di fondo natura/linguaggio, ma potrebbe valere l’inverso, linguaggio/natura senza che né l’una dimensione, né l’altra ricevano più o meno valenza nell’impianto comunicativo del poeta.
Il filosofo Giorgio Agamben ne L’uso dei corpi  ricorda che ogni opera «non può essere conclusa, ma solo abbandonata e, eventualmente continuata da altri». Va da sé che, alla luce di una simile affermazione, l’auspicio sia proprio questo: la più grande “continuazione” di Approdi si configuri come un “uscire”, raggiungere il lettore, rispecchiarne la sensibilità.
L’omogeneità che copre l’arco evolutivo di Sergio Gallo, non è un caso, passa per la rivisitazione del poemetto L’occhio di Hubble che aveva visto la prima luce nel 2014 su Pharmakon (Puntoacapo editrice).
Ma gli ”aggiornamenti”, appunto, passano attraverso qualcosa che già è, e sotto questo rispetto, Gallo si rivela ottimo ascoltatore del suo dàimon che in questa raccolta diventa eudàimonia avvertibile e ravvisabile nei suoi testi che “tradiscono” secondo misura, per farne una raccolta nuova, sullo sfondo un poeta riconoscibile nella vastità dello spazio.
illimitato, infinito, indefinito, apeiron…
non mi sembra per nulla casuale che la razionalità greca degli àlbori si dispieghi in trattati accomunati tutti dallo stesso titolo: Sulla natura.
La peculiarità di Sergio Gallo è qui, figlio del lògos non meno che di un lirismo che lascia poco, se non alcun rimando ad una poetica intimistica e di sensazione, allontanata dal poeta per essere ripresa in una consapevolezza diversa per cui Calliòpe resta musa, ma nella filigrana di una sfida linguistica che si fa voce (di Sergio) plasticamente protesa verso un approdo che è un viaggio, un viaggio che è un approdo.
Non può non venire alla mente un discorso importante sulla conoscenza che ci rende (dovrebbe) meno butir
Il valore di Approdi/ Landings “precipita” qui, nel con-fine sprovvisto di confini, nel territorio di un’esplorazione scientifica, astronomica, spaziale, una storia che parte da lontano, che Sergio Gallo scrive con una penna tutta sua. Una penna iscritta nelle cento immagini …(Voyager Golden Record), un camminamento lungo la sostanza di un tempo che si immerge nella materia e nella materia eleva liriche originalissime, evocative, immaginifiche, quelle che Sergio ci regala con staordinaria ingegnosità.
(Commento di Cristina Raddavero Febbraio 2020)

Oceans, strainers of tears
of the small blue Planet
tied to the lot of a Star
trapped, in its turn, inside
the spiral of a tiny Galaxy.
Projectiles wandering thru
an asymmetrical Universe
that expands its mass
in the Cosmic Void
apparently aimlessly.

Gli oceani colatoi di lacrime
del piccolo Pianeta azzurro
annodato al destino d’una Stella
a sua volta prigioniera della
spirale d’una Galassia nana.
Vaganti proiettili
in un Universo asimmetrico
che espande la sua massa
nel Vuoto Cosmico,
senza apparente meta.


 [The Voyager Golden Record]
On a gold-plated disk
signs and scraps, florilegium
of our civilization: a hundred
pictures, the Sagan selection,
sounds of waves, thunders, wind
the songs of both birds
and majestic cetaceans.
The overpowering crying
of a child, the smack
of a kiss, the anxiety of
a woman in love.
Greetings in fifty-five tongues
from Akkadian to Wu.
A summing-up of music from
different eras and cultures:
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Stravinsky
Louis Armstrong plus Chuck Berry
Raga, Mariachi, Peruvian pipes

[Voyager Golden Record]
In un disco placcato d’oro
segni e frammenti, il florilegio
dell’umana civiltà: cento
immagini scelte da Carl Sagan
suoni di onde, tuoni, vento
il canto degli uccelli
e quello delle balene.
L’irresistibile pianto
d’un bimbo, lo schiocco
d’un bacio, i turbamenti
d’una donna in amore.
Saluti in cinquantacinque idiomi
dall’Accadico alla lingua Wu.
Una musicale selezione
di diverse epoche e culture:
Bach, Mozart, Stravinskij, Beethoven.
Louis Armstrong e Chuck Berry.
Raga, mariachi, flauti peruviani.
the notes of Shakuhachi
the night songs of Navajos
the initiation rite of she-Pygmies.

  [Black hole]
Now that we have become able
to understand the loneliness
of the atoms of hydrogen
to grasp the very secrets
of the elementary particles
of the space-time curvature
the gravitational effects
of the dark matter, the quantum
mind, the dimension number five–––
will we supposedly fear less
that shadow, looming over us
from the Milky Wayʼs heart
of the dark Lord of nightmares
the cancerous black hole
supermassive eater of stars?

 [Buco nero]
Ora che siamo in grado
di comprendere la solitudine
degli atomi d’idrogeno
di carpire i segreti
delle particelle elementari
della curvatura spazio-tempo
gli effetti gravitazionali
della materia oscura, la mente
quantica, la quinta dimensione...
Avremo forse meno timore
dell’ombra che incombe
nel cuore stesso della Via Lattea
dell’oscuro Signore degli incubi,
canceroso buco nero,
supermassivo divoratore di stelle?



Candida albicans

Misleading name for calling
the dimorphic saccharomyces
inhabitant of the mucous membranes; a
yeast capable of mutating
from harmless diner
a deadly colonizer. 

Even in the most tender childhood
able to make it bloom
its white micotic flower1.
And with every altered balance

out of spite:
with filamentous hyphae arabesques
deeply penetrate the walls
produce dangerous breaches;
in corpuscular blood
to spread toxins, spores

The same algid beauty
with which the crystals are insolent
of ice break
the symmetries of water.

Of verses that though limping
bite for trial
verbose debris
1) lily of the valley

Sergio Gallo with the unpublished Candida albicans becomes a poet of "necessity" by making unexpected connections between the verse and the microscopic world of saccharomyces. It touches the never lost knots of the valence of the poien according to its dynamics and its very personal strategies combining techno and imaginative: irreverent cohabitations that generate real lyric acts.

At the same time, one gets the impression of biting into the inventio, the first step towards the development of an oration, in the tenacity with which the organization of the topic to be dealt with is set.

Gallo is then orator to the extent that he forms and articulates his argument, and the phase of "invention" presents itself as a crucial moment for the poet because here he is the first step in the limping verse.

And in this lameness the watchful and witty eye of the poet turns and fills, transforming the micro into macro, the detail in size.

The squaring of the circle remains impossible (nor is anyone accustomed to it), but the treasure of the warrior mushrooms is destined to open further scenarios that bring the invisible world to the naked eye, for which it is necessary to find consonant lenses.

 From hare beak
Feet section
From season to season
of fracture in fracture
of erosion in erosion,
expect to be fulfilled
of our destiny.
A little alchemists, a little
anchorites, as long as it is granted,
like the mollusk of the oyster
obstinately to the rocks
remain anchored.
And the Devil's chair
between- Cloto, Lachesis, Atropo -
with the years to see change
in the throne of Ananke. On your feet
of the mountains still being able to return.

Even the gods could do nothing against Fate.And in that "waiting for the fulfillment / of our destiny" (Beak of Hare, section Feet, VIII) we find the first and last point of Sergio Gallo's poetry without concessions to sentimentalism of a distorted romanticism or yielding to the lyric of sensation.

The poet's going is a walk on a "necessary" ridge (in the throne of Ananke), a crystalline voice in the stratigraphy of the remote Being fraught with an equally obstinate future in his coming.

In the deliberate mixture of science and myth, Gallo today stands as a "devaluating" the use of writing as a sign of trade between men and grafting it onto the imaginary throne of singing to the Earth and to Heaven passing through the phusis that he had so well connoted the birth of Western thought in the Greece of the archaic age.

Gallo is, perhaps without knowing it, the son of the "origins", of that garment of knowledge that, unprecedented in history, branches off the logos on its mythical baggage.

A "reasoned" poem by virtue of the capacity of human spirits that are much higher because they are focused on continuous research.
A "going looking ..." that finds in Nature and in its epiphanies reason and reason to be enough to itself.

Rib Section
The eagle's nuptial flight

I scrutinize the skies in search of the "sovereign of the winged" (6).
I admire the majestic whirling,
the meticulous patrol of mountain sides
where heaven land and sea meet
in soft sinuosity, in roughness of abyss.

I crave and at the same time fear
like every other trembling creature
crouched on the ground
both marmot, lamb, white partridge
the shadow of its powerful wingspan
the whistling kya of its hooked beak
the sudden hissing, the cunning of the planar
the mortal man's escape
his claw; freeze the instant,
flash of light in human blindness
opening of eyelids, suspended breath.

Stop the deafening beat
- wings or heart in turmoil? -
blood in heart valves,
the tranquil lakes of customs
dried up in adrenaline peaks ...

Human betrayals:
modern cannibalisms,
cainismo by eaglets.
Where the golden eagle nests
I immolate every certainty, every illusion
again invoking
or Mother Goddess, Your tacit protection.
(6) "Sovereign of the winged": reference to the verses of Pindar, Pitica I, v. 13.

When Telemachus and Antinous in the II book of the Odyssey verbally clash over the dramatic situation that Argo lives in the absence of his king Odysseus, at a certain point Zeus, with a powerful voice, sends two eagles to the young son gathered in the assembly (from above ... flying from the top of the mountain ...).
Once again Sergio Gallo is a singer who holds in his pen a breath and a wider stroke and "resounds over the roofs of the world" the instance of poetry as a universe in which the powerful meanings of the eternal cosmic voice cohabit.
But this voice is silenced as it is said, mutes in the language much more icastic than the animal and plant world so much that it becomes even onomatopoeic.
In the poetry of Gallo "nests" a renewed language where the experience of hard work originates in the forge of the imaginary well anchored to the visible world.
The poet's poem comes to life along the sides of the mountains where the words "crash", scattered among the sky, the sea, the earth to be returned to the wingspan and fall back into humanity: hollow of betrayals and modern cannibalisms.
Indomitable verses to whom immolate certainties and illusions at the same time invoking a tacit and solemn protection.

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