“Distances and souvenirs in the mirrors of memory ”


Giovanna was born on 14 February 1943 in Vizzini, splendid town of Sicily, famous for the great writer Giovanni Verga, who was born there and there wrote all his most famous novels. Daughter of a classical musician who loved literature. In that magical atmosphere, between a musical background and other, cultivates since her childhood her great love for poetry. In 1964, together with her husband and their girl of eight months, thought to visit Australia as a second honeymoon and remained there, fascinated by this great island, which nourished her passion for writing. Giovanna has published four books of poetry "My World" in Italy in 1983 and "Isola azzurra" in Australia in 1990. "Volero" may 2002-Editrice A. L. I. A. S. "In the garden of the heart" June 2007 Otma editions Milan. In May 1992 founded the association Italo Australian literary writers – "A. L. I. A. S." now Academy.
This year is the XVIth anniversary, sixteen years all dedicated to this "daughter" need of care and affection to be able to grow up with love; love for poetry and for all those who love poetry. A universal love, which has given her the satisfaction of knowing a lot of poets and writers and become friend. Giovanna has been awarded the prestigious recognition: "citizen year 1995", from the town of Keilor.


In 1996 has received a prestigious recognition literary from the municipality of Sydney. She took part in various international literary competitions, obtaining always with excellent results. Her poems were published in several anthologies and literary magazines everywhere. Corresponding and delegated of various academies and literary associations. Since December 2001 is life Member of the International writers and artists association "IWA. United States of America-President Teresinka Pereira. November 2002, IWA Giovanna Li Volti Guzzardi – International writers and artists Association – IWA – Award for Best editor 2002 anthology A. L. I. A. S. Teresinka Pereira President
29 may 2005, the day of the feast of the Italian Republic in Melbourne, THE PRESIDENT OF THE ITALIAN REPUBLIC Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and countersigned by the President of the Council Silvio Berlusconi assigns her the high award of “Knight of the Italian Republic” for having spread the Italian language in Australia, Italy and in the world, through the international literary competition A. L. I. A. S. and for having taught the Italian language with love and passion.
27 April in Palermo Giovanna achieves the Sicilian Region important recognition: “Sicilian cultural ambassadors in the world”, and was invited to withdraw during a large celebrations. December 2006, from USA: the Board of Directors, Governing Board of editors and publications of the Board American biographical Institute do hereby recognize that Giovanna Li Volti Guzzardi women’s professional Advisory Board.
She  teaches Italian language to children of every nationality, as voluntary for 20 years
But her greater joy is stay in the middle with poets and writers, for this she succeeded in gathering many poets and writers Italians from every part of our planet, creating a meeting point in the anthology  A.L. I. A. S. and is happy to work hard to ensure that our culture and our Mother Italian language is always ahead in this remote, but wonderful southern land.

Critical comment :

The fervour, intensity and the strength poetic of Giovanna Guzzardi ignite the soul of the one who, while leaving his distant land, behind "endless oceans", longing of "new", endorse the love, the attachment and the link deep and intense, immediately perceptible in that possessive adjective "My" reported to her Italy far away and "lost" in the real concreteness of a living elsewhere. An Italy, instead, real and tangible in the memory of a young woman that keeps its souvenir between "ways sweet-smelling of millenary history”, perfumes persistent of hot and pulsating places which recall all the Mediterranean voices, emotions, sometimes conflicting which form the background to a nostalgia that doesn’t stop. Giovanna derives from herself lifeblood and nourishment to maintain vital a memory that can be broken down in a thousand frames of the heart in glitter of dawn and sunset "of home" unique and incomparable, unique and never forgotten, because it would be like forget herself, swallow gone away but that maintains inside her heart  the "Vicinity" of her own origins.
 In short, a remain "near herself" through the melody of a song free modulated along a ridge typically private that highlights the deeper reasons of human sensitivity that has known the geographical distance in her bitterness and regret, "making wet the Sky" of tears and drops of a past that is inserted in the present giving  a full and genuine sense of life.
(Comment byCristina Raddavero)

The Giovanna’s poetry is pure; distances and memories cross inside the mirrors of the soul into a kaleidoscope of images and colors, dreams and commemorations,  Mediterranean lights and comparisons of life. It is surprising her capacity to transform the memorable strength for the distant land, to which she is clinging with vigorous nostalgia, in a social commitment continued and convinced.
She seems to give herself over to poetry and life; her yearning to spend herself in the first person to organize and promote Art and Culture in every part of the world. Her is the Italy to which we Italians feel proud, in her work and in her lyrics, we found the beautiful, the sky that rises up, to belong to the generations.
As far as the poetic of Giovanna is concerned, I fully agree with the critical analysis of Cristina Raddavero: that puzzle of voices that play and stamp the verse, define it  in lyric cadences in a sort of overlapping of past and present: between "Kangaroos" and "pieces of blue" that fall from her native land of Sicily, between gushing waterfalls and flights protected by a radius of the moon on the wings of the aircraft.
(Comment by Pier Luigi Coda)




Now that even you are further away
than my Sicily,
what will I do now amongst
the kangaroos and the koalas
without your voice to keep me company?
they play and jump around
with their sea of green
and full of colours
and I feel like I am going to die
as if it was a cemetery!
But looking at these animals
as if they were toys,
they warm my heart,
at their rare gesture.
rare gestures, like your touch
that I hold against my chest,
like the smell of my Sicily
that drunkers me whenever I think of her!
I hold two grand loves
which are kept in my memories
and when I think of them
I feel as if I have wings to fly
with the happiness,
I embrace the air,
I breath in the sky
and I feel full of richness.
Sicily! You that are a piece of blue
fallen on the earth,
you are always near me
and I will never forget you,
bring back my love
to live happily
amongst these kangaroos and koalas!



Lacrime scorrono dal cielo
e cancellano il dolore della terra
arida e brulla.
Si bagnano i cuori e lavano la sporcizia
delle anime immonde
che calpestano la natura.
Si risvegliano i prati
e si colorano gli alberi,
si accende la vita che germoglia
d’abbondanza, sfavillano
rigogliose le sfumature dei monti,
i fiumi e i laghi si riempiono di speranza.
Zampillano le cascate d’acqua pura
e scendono rivoli che percorrono
sentieri di vitalità
e, con loro mormorio festoso
nasce l’oasi della felicità.



A day,
in the hour dedicated
to dreamers,
I closed the sea in my fist. 
I felt the waves,
that scratched the fingers
loaded with saltiness
I exulted
tightening them
until they sprayed my face 
with the drops
that escaped plentiful 
from my grip. 
My heart was sailed overflowing
with happiness,
would behave drowned if had
not saved it tightening it
with force in the other fist. 
with my heart
palpitates between my fingers. 
with the captive sea
in my hand. 
I go looking for the sky,
but I have it here,
in the other hand!



Quando sguazzavo felice
per le vie gioconde della mia città,
ero una giovinetta con tanti grilli per la testa.
Sognavo mondi incantati
e sentieri colmi di magici avvenimenti
che mi avrebbero donato strombazzante felicità.
Avevo la gioia e l’allegria in casa mia,
avevo ciò che desideravo,
ma mi sentivo in gabbia,
avevo una voglia matta di volare lassù
come le rondini che garriscono nel sole,
come una libellula che nuota gioiosa
su stagni e ruscelli, ma sogna
le acque profonde di mari e oceani infiniti.

Ed ecco che come una rondine
ho volato nel sole
e come una libellula ho navigato
per mari ed oceani infiniti
e in mondi incantati sono arrivata,
ci ho fatto il nido ed ho strombazzato di dolore
per non avere più potuto sguazzare felice
per le vie gioconde della mia città.



Soon I'll fly,
I'll attach myself to the wings of a plane
and finally fly far away!
I'll be like a grey and white eagle,
surveying lakes and mountains
and I'll never be tired.
I'll go up high,
skating on the clouds
and I'll touch the stars.
I'll look down with ease
with fear of heights
because the moon will protect me.
Before me I see the map
from an enormous atlas
full of seas and hills
and red dots like stars,
the sparkling lights of the city.
The sea, so much blue and clear sea,
diverse seas and down there
where the sun reflects
floats a dear, dear Boot!
Delicately I'll glide and then dive,
I'll grab the boot
and take it with me under my arm
as if it were a geography book
and then happy and singing I'll fly away!
I'll survey more mountains and cities
attached to the wings of a plane
then I'll gently let it down
in the Indian Ocean,
a few paces from here,
and I'll never be far away again.



 Ho abbracciato il cielo
ed ho volato con le tue rondini
ho nuotato tra le tue meraviglie
mi sono inondata delle tue bellezze
ho il cuore colmo dei tuoi profumi
ed ho cantato di felicità
per le tue vie odorose
di storia millenaria.

Italia mia ti ho visto
dopo averti sognato notte e dì
mi hai regalato la realtà mai sognata.

Ora mi sveglio
col cuscino bagnato di pianto
perché ti penso tanto tanto!







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