The website periodically chooses and reviews noteworthy books for literary value or peculiar thematic interest.
         In this “shop-windows” will be displayed books of various genre, published worldwide without distinction between:

    1. new or re-evaluated books
    2. books for adult or children
    3. book published by known or unknown
    4. didactic or escapist literature

This page takes its name from the famous " Old sheep shop " of Oxford, opposite the Christ Church, where Lewis Carroll accompanied Alice to buy by the old proprietary with the voice of sheep a delicious BARLEY-sugar for the snack on the lawns. There is still, today, the Lewis Carroll's old sheep shop, but time has turned into a small shop for tourists where they sell memories and various costume jelwellery in homage to Alice and her fantastic world. I, however, I am still imagine it full of dreams, of images, fantasies and stories. As the texts that we propose in these pages.


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